Five Before Five: Timeless Wisdom from the Prophet Muhammadﷺ

Introduction: The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the final messenger of Islam, imparted invaluable wisdom that transcends generations. Among his profound teachings is the concept of "Five Before Five," a timeless reminder of life's transience and the significance of seizing the moment. This guidance underscores the importance of utilizing our youth, health, wealth, free time, and life wisely.

Your Youth Before Your Old Age: The first facet of "Five Before Five" encourages us to make the most of our youth. Youth is a phase characterized by boundless energy and a feeling of invincibility. It's a reminder to invest in personal growth, education, and skills development during this vibrant period, setting the stage for a meaningful life.

Your Health Before Your Sickness: Health, often taken for granted, is the second treasure to cherish. The Prophet's advice urges us to value our well-being and take proactive steps to maintain it. This includes maintaining a balanced lifestyle, exercising regularly, prioritizing sleep, and seeking regular medical check-ups. It's also a call to savor life's experiences that may become elusive in times of sickness or old age.

Your Wealth Before Your Poverty: Wealth serves as a means to lead a comfortable life, provide for loved ones, invest in the future, and extend assistance to those in need. The third component of "Five Before Five" underscores the need to appreciate and prudently manage our resources. This involves financial planning, saving for the future, and practicing generosity. It reminds us that wealth is transient and should not be our sole focus.

Your Free Time Before You Are Preoccupied: In today's fast-paced world, free time is a cherished but dwindling commodity. The Prophet's guidance emphasizes the value of making the most of this resource before it is consumed by responsibilities and commitments. Utilizing free time for hobbies, spending quality moments with family, self-enrichment, or simply relaxation becomes paramount.

Your Life Before Your Death: The final and most profound advice is to appreciate and maximize our lives before the inevitable—death. Life is unpredictable, and death is its only certainty. This wisdom urges us to live purposefully, cherish each moment, cultivate good character, and contribute positively to the world. It invites us to lead lives that we will proudly reflect upon at life's end.

Conclusion: The "Five Before Five" advice from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ serves as an eternal beacon, guiding us to treasure and optimize our blessings. It invites us to live consciously and with intent, seeking equilibrium in every facet of life. As we navigate the labyrinth of existence, let us internalize these five pearls of wisdom and endeavor to live by them. In doing so, we honor the timeless teachings of the Prophet and strive to make every moment count.

LightupwithShua PODCAST

I am a student of knowledge, a mentor, and an intercultural & Interfaith practitioner, who wants to help heal and solve problems by bringing your attention to living consciously

and inculcate how we can make our world light-up with care, hope, and compassion.


"God, Fasting, Intermittent Fasting, and Ramadan"