Our Training and Courses

  • Breathing Sessions

    Breathing is what keeps us alive. Just pause and think about it. Shouldn’t we pay attention to our breath? When we are tense in a certain situation, our breath tends to get faster and adds to our nervousness. Ideally, we would like to have a healthy control over breath which helps to discipline our emotions. The gals is to learn to practice proper breathing to have self control which helps us in most of the unpredictable situations.

  • Self-Healing & Transformation

    Online and in person retreats in February 2024.

    More details to follow

  • Intercultural & Interfaith Relations

    Coming Soon

Greetings and welcome,

I am introducing classes to teach to learn to sing in a well pronounced Urdu. You can learn to sing Urdu Ghazals or songs. Details are below:

Urdu ghazal pronunciation teaching.

Live teaching of Talafuz - Pronunciation of Ghazal or song singing - weekly sessions in groups or individual.


30 minutes - $40

45 minutes - $55

For details contact: shua@luwsacademy.com

Whatsapp message only: 978-842-1788

Payment methods: Paypal or venmo