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Live Consciously & Think Mindfully


A seeker of knowledge, a coach, and a dedicated intercultural and interfaith practitioner. My mission is to illuminate the path towards conscious living, helping us navigate a world filled with care, hope, and compassion.

Conscious living is the cornerstone of my journey, enabling us to live mindfully and become better parents. It serves as a powerful reminder to pause, reflect, and not succumb to the whims of our stubborn or uninformed selves. Embracing conscious living fosters a flexible mindset that empowers us to gracefully navigate life's challenges.

At present, I feel fortunate to host the weekly podcast "Light Up with Shua," dedicated to the art of conscious living and parenting. Additionally, last year saw the inception of LUWS ACADEMY LLC, an educational platform that houses this podcast and offers a diverse range of enlightening training sessions and workshops.

I invite you to explore LightupwithShua Podcast and LUWS Academy. Join me on this transformative journey towards conscious living. Together, we can nurture a world brimming with care, hope, and compassion.

The Prophet ﷺ advised to:

“Take benefit of five before five: Your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death”

— (Narrated by Ibn Abbas and reported by Al Hakim)


  • Fasting, Benefits, and Gratitude

    Dr. Celene Ibrahim is an internationally recognized scholar in religious studies with a focus on Islamic intellectual history. She is the author of the monograph Women and Gender in the Qur'an

  • Challenges of Parenting

    Parenting is a mindset and an art that must be learned and requires serious attention. More episodes coming up on this topic. Specially on parenting adult children.

  • Is Lent a Gift?

    Tallessyn Zawn Grenfell-Lee, MDiv, PhD, is a climate ethicist. Formerly a molecular biologist, she offers training and consulting for sustainability leaders.